Complex Power – Definition, Explanation & Significance

Definition: Complex Power is basically the representation of electrical power in the form of complex number. Like a complex number, it consists of real and imaginary part. Real part represents the active power whereas the imaginary part represents the reactive power. It is generally represented by symbol S. If active and reactive power be P … Read more

Active and Passive Elements

Active and Passive elements are two different types of circuit element. This classification is based on the capability of circuit element to deliver energy either in the form of voltage or current. If a circuit element has the capability to deliver energy to the circuit, it is called Active element whereas if the element consumes … Read more

Unilateral and Bilateral Elements

Unilateral and Bilateral Elements are the two different types of electrical / electronic circuit element on the basis of their V-I characteristics on reversal of voltage polarity. This article describes Unilateral and Bilateral Elements and circuit in detail with relevant diagrams. Unilateral Elements: Unilateral elements in electrical circuit is defined as the element whose V-I … Read more

Impedance Triangle

Definition: Impedance Triangle is a right angled triangle whose base, perpendicular and hypotenuse represents Resistance, Reactance and Impedance respectively. It is basically a geometrical representation of circuit impedance. Explanation of Impedance Triangle: Impedance consists of two components viz. resistance and reactance. Therefore, it can be expressed in these two components. Let the impedance of an … Read more

j Operator and Its Significance

What is j Operator? j Operator is a mathematical operator which when multiplied with any vector, rotates that vector by 90 degree in anti-clock wise direction. Just like symbols x, +, – etc. are used with numbers for indicating certain operations to be performed on those numbers, j operator is used to indicate the counter-clock … Read more

Difference between Resistance and Impedance

The main difference between Resistance and Impedance is that resistance opposes the flow of DC & AC current whereas Impedance only opposes the flow of AC current. Impedance is having meaning only in AC circuit. It does not have any meaning in DC circuit. Another major difference between resistance and impedance is that impedance may … Read more

Maximum Power Transfer Theorem in AC Circuit

Statement of Maximum Power Transfer Theorem in AC Circuit: In AC circuit, the maximum power transfer theorem is stated as: In a linear network having energy sources and impedances, the maximum amount of power is transferred from source to load impedance if the load impedance is the complex conjugate of the total impedance of the … Read more

Voltage Division Rule – Explanation, Formula & Derivation

What is Voltage Division Rule? Voltage Division Rule states that the total voltage applied across a series connection of multiple resistors is divided among the resistors in proportional to their resistance.  This means, the voltage drop will be maximum across the resistor having maximum value of resistance. Likewise, it will be minimum for resistor having … Read more