Dynamic Braking and Plugging

Dynamic Braking: Apart from Regenerative Braking, another method of reversing the direction of torque and Braking the motor is dynamic braking. In this method of braking the motor which is at a running condition is disconnected from the source and connected across a resistance. When the motor is disconnected from the source, the rotor keeps … Read more

Regenerative Braking

In the last post “Need for Electrical Braking in Electrical Drives“, we discussed the various reasons which call for Electric Braking. Brakes are used to reduce or cease the speed of motors. Braking of Motor can be classified into three types: Regenerative Braking. Plugging type Braking. Dynamic Braking. In this post we will focus on … Read more

Need for Electrical Braking in Electrical Drives

There are two types of Braking: i)     Mechanical Braking and  ii)     Electrical Braking. In Mechanical Braking the speed of the machine is reduced solely by mechanical process but Electrical Braking is far more interesting than that because the whole process is depended on the current and torque directions. We can say that it is the process … Read more

Difference between Transducer and Sensor

Sensor: As the name suggests, it is a device which reacts to a physical, chemical or biological condition. It senses a change in physical, chemical or biological condition. It can be considered as a detector. A Sensor can sense in any form usually electronic i.e. due to some mechanical change, it can react in electrical … Read more

What is Tunnel Diode?

A tunnel diode is a diode that exhibits a negative differential impedance region in its I-V characteristic due to quantum tunneling effects. That is, a -sloped region as shown by red colored region in the figure below. It’s a diode, a kind of semiconductor device usually with two terminals. Unlike a regular pn diode, Tunnel … Read more

How Twisting the Cables Reduce the Interference?

Twisting the cables is done to remove the electromagnetic interference from the wires. When a signal is transmitted through the cable it is in the form of current. This flow of current produces an electromagnetic field of interference around it and can generate noise effects in the surrounding cables. One pair can induce cross-talk in … Read more

Edge Triggering and Level Triggering

Triggering basically means switching. The way in which a switch or an event is triggered can be different, based on the user’s requirements. Edge and Level Triggering, are both common terms when using sequential circuits like Flip Flops triggered by a clock signal. Essentially, this is how a clock signal looks like,   LEVEL TRIGGERING: … Read more